Counqer gm app

Counqerland  Banned 5 Dec 22 at 8:01pm
Gamemaster Application

List all RP Character names RF P-B CPL Counqer. MPF BALLISTA 09 4949. MPF Jury 09 tr 4949. Anarchist Counqer.

SteamID & Discord Name/Tag Counqerland#0439 STEAM_0:1:563632658

Region/Timezone CDT

List all (if any) previous punishments (Warns/Bans) No warns (that I can remember) one ban for tking 3 RU I thought were combine.

What is your reason(s) for applying for Gamemaster? I recently have seen not many events and when events happen pretty mediocre. I wanna come join the GM team and help with events. I have been GM on many other servers and I just wish to help with rp and make people have fun.

Have you ever been Event Staff or something similar before? If so, list your previous positions. Yes, I have been GM on 4 1942rp servers and 2 mrp servers. I have also owned my own server before.

Describe how you react to negative feedback, from constructive criticism to borderline harassment. Real constructive [b]criticism I take. I might even ask them how exactly it could be bettered and if they wanna help next event. If they are straight out harrasing me being toxic I would ignore them if its really bad warn them to stop. We can also have mute and gag. [/b]

While planning a server-wide Event you realized that it would make hosting it much easier if you had another Gamemaster assisting you, and manage to get someone to help. Unfortunately 5 minutes before the Event is scheduled to begin, they messaged you and said they would be absent. How do you proceed? I will tell everyone and announce the event is being postponed and tell everyone how sorry I am. If it's that big loosing another GM could make the event a mess or bad. I would try to message a few other GMS and see if they could get on. I have learned from my experience it is 100% better to delay an event then go forward with it when under bad circustances. 

While planning an Event, you decide to test some of the tools you think would be helpful. You go to the admin room, and start to experiment. Unfortunately, while testing with some NPCs the server crashed. How do you react? I would go on to discord. Ping my higher ups saying it was my fault and I am VERY sorry and take 100% responsibility. To better myself next time I would only spawn one npc at a time when not many props are on and be very careful. 

An NCO has finished training a Recruit, but there are no COs or Staff online to provide the whitelist. What do you do? I would tell them that NCO's on the whitelist can whitelist recruits. I would tell them to press C on the recruit then right click. I would tell them to scroll down and whitelist them to the respective whitelist (MPF union or RF). I would tell them to write it down and next time remember to do this. I would then tell them to have a nice day and leave. 

While hosting a server-wide Event you have implemented a RP section where players can interact with a computer in order to open a door. Unexpectedly, a CO decides that they would rather that door stay closed (Presumably so that the other side cannot continue), and orders that the computer be destroyed. Given that the door is essential to progressing your event, how do you react? I would !goto to the CMD/MAJ and ask him what's wrong and why he's doing this and stopping the event. I would talk to him and if he brings a strong answer and the server agrees with him. I would either postpone it to come up with a better idea or scrap the idea all together and create a new idea. If he is just being mingy/rude and doesn't want the event to play. I would try reasoning with him but if he doesn't move I would later just report it to his higher up's or other staff members.

While hosting a server-wide Event, a CmD/MAJ decides that they dislike it, and begin to openly attempt to get players to refuse to participate. This reaches the point that there are almost no players participating on one side. How do you resolve the situation? I would !goto the CMD/MAJ and ask him whats wrong with it. If he presents a good reason I would maybe stop or postpone the event and improve it for later. If he is being really disrespectful and not listening I would just leave and later report it to the DVL/Overlook. 

After hosting a server-wide Event, you are in the middle of a post-event Debrief when the COs present tell you to stop hosting your DB so they can host theirs. How do you react? [b]I would !goto the CMD/MAJ and ask him to delay the DB just a little bit. I would try reasoning with him. If he decides he doesn't want to listen to me I can't really do anything and I'll just do the event without them. I would also ask him what's wrong with the event so I can improve next time.[/b]

What permissions do Gamemasters have, both inside and outside of Events? Within events to my knowledge we can do pretty much anything unless it's gonna crash the server or something. Outside of events we can't enforce any rules because even though we have some perms it's staff's job. However, we can help with setting up some props and giving whitelists. 

While preparing to host an Event, you notice that there are 3 vehicles deployed, and that the server is lagging a bit because of that. What do you do? I would kindly ask them to un-deploy the vehicles. If they do not un-deploy them I would simply wait until they get destroyed. However, if it's been 30+ minutes and they still won't un-deploy and they aren't getting destroyed I would postpone the event until later. 

Describe your design process of Events prior to queuing them.

Part 1. Look back at other events and see what events did good. 

Part 2. Brainstorm an event and consult with other GM's and maybe some players to see if they would like it.

Part 3. Get in game and go to the admin room and start testing with items/props that may be needed in the event

Part 4. Talk with GM's to finalize the event and see if it is all good

Part 5. Call for event jobs (if any needed).

Part 6. Start the event.

Create three Event ideas and describe them below. Be as detailed as you feel necessary. Originality is appreciated, and a lack of details will be penalized.

1. EVENT IDEA: Combine prisoner transport. This event would require no event jobs. Combine and Rebels are meant to participate. However, anarchists may join in. The combine have captured a high priority rebel target and they are transporting him across the map to meet with the Sectoral Commander. However, the idea here is during the transport the Rebels attack it and attempt to take there prisoner back or kill him if needed. The combine must kill all rebels or get across the map to the designation point for the win. The rebels must kill all the combine or get there prisoner back or kill him if it comes down to that. Anarchists may join in by trying to steal stuff or take people for themselves. 

2. EVENT IDEA: Civilian Protest. This event would require a few event jobs. Civilians,Combine and Anarchist are meant to participate. Civilians would go up to combine base and attempt to block it off and have a protest. They want rights. The Combines part in this event is to stop the riot and make sure it doesn't go crazy. They may use lethal force if it comes down to it. Anarchists may also help by protesting if they like. They may also use lethal force. The civilians may try to block off or sabatoge the combine in anyway **peacefully**. They may only defend themself if attacked. Rebels could also join it and help the protest.

3. EVENT IDEA: Imposters. This event would require two event jobs. Solely a combine event. However, Rebels may attend. Two fake EOW crash a ship near the combine base. The two EOW are secretly anarchists attempting to sabatoge the combine. They are armed with shotguns and have 500 health. There job is to pretend to be real combine. Things they may do during the event include, Attacking CO's and Stealing guns. Combines job would be to investigate the sight and there will be clues left behind so they can find out that they are fake EOW.

How often do you think GMs should host events? Major events that need DB's/Server wide events should really only happen once or twice a week. However, small events for like one faction should happen around once a day. However, it all depends on how disruptive the event is.

Do you understand and accept the following clause: I will not leak Staff or Gamemaster information, I will not abuse my powers, and I will not break the Gamemaster rules. I understand.

Do you understand the basics of using ULX? List what you know. I am a prior server owner I know almost everything.
All important ones for GN's
[DEFN] Aithead  Head Gamemaster VIP 5 Dec 22 at 8:35pm

This is not a finalized review of your application.

I have an additional question for you, which you can consider part of the application process;

Why did you apply for GM immediately after having your Server Staff application denied?

Please do respond within a few days or I will mark this application as denied.

Gamemaster Supervisor.

Ancient GRID CmD, prior SU Major/GB COL.

Credit to SEVIN.
[Image: 20220724145724_1.png]
Counqerland  Banned 5 Dec 22 at 8:37pm
Well, I decided instead of waiting more to become staff. I have been a GM more then staff and I decided I'd rather be GM in the long term. I also wanna improve events.
PersikkaPete  VIP 6 Dec 22 at 5:26am
Really neutral on this, some of ur answers are good some are fairly mediocre. Your answers were really submisssive to higher up CO's, You have the power to their choices.
Counqerland  Banned 6 Dec 22 at 4:06pm
Hey, thank you for the feedback. I would rather not fight with the CO's when it can be dealt with more discrete.
Redert  Server Moderator 11 Dec 22 at 1:16am Edited
Your answers to some questions are fine, but the event idea section is lacking.

Event 1:
It is an alright idea. I do see a few issues. I feel as though randomly saying that the combine have a highly valuable prisoner is iffy, the transporting part is fine. I believe that it would either A, rebels just kill the prisoner as that's really what your supposed to do, or B, they simply would transport the rebel and the event is over in minutes. Needs more details for me to understand fully.

Event 2:
I actually do like these style of events. Not a major event, but it is a pretty cool idea. I don't see how rebels fit into the "protesting" though. It also seems there isn't much to it, but fine idea.

Event 3:
I personally don't think it makes any sense. Why are the EOW driving a boat in the first place? How on earth are the EOW "anarchists?" It seems that this event is just giving two people HP and weapons and letting them roam free in combine base murdering and sabotaging.

Please fix the format. White on white is very hard to read.
(i am a gamemaster, i dont have forum rank yet)

Honorary Shield
[DEFN] Aithead  Head Gamemaster VIP 11 Dec 22 at 3:09am

Unfortunately I must deny your application. I have several reasons for doing so;

1. Being banned for MRDM isn't great, but you applied for Staff and then immediately after being denied, you applied for GM. That makes it seem like your goal was just to have any ULX on the server, rather than any actual interest in the role.
2. Poor quality application. Regardless of the Event ideas, some of the responses to the questions are wrong, and the entire thing is poorly formatted.
3. Poor feedback from current GMs.
4. Low amount of total time spent on the server.

In order to have a future GM application accepted, I would request that you spend additional time interacting with the community, and spend more time thinking about the answers to the questions asked on the application. I would also recommend running the application through a simple word processor, such as Microsoft Word or a Google Document in order to remove basic spelling/grammar errors.

Event Idea Feedback

1. Combine Prisoner Transport. The basic concept of the Event is fine, however, it could end up having many of the same issues that other "VIP Escort" missions have. For example, if the VIP is too easy to kill or too easy to transport, then the Event will get shut down too early and/or cause people to be frustrated due to some degree of unfairness.

2. Civilian Protest. I like the idea, but there would be an issue with actually having enough Civilians to make it seem like a protest. Coordinating people to participate and interact with each other within the idea would also be hard. However, one single flaw that's happened to me makes this practically impossible; any Combine can simply say out loud "Civilians, leave in 5 seconds or die" and then be perfectly justified in shooting them if they stick around. Yes, as a GM that behavior can be prevented, but if you're helping several groups of Civilians perform sabotage in multiple locations then you won't be able to keep an eye on everything.

3. Imposters. I like the idea of infiltration missions. Attempting to disguise and blend into an enemy can be a very enjoyable experience, and the counterplay can be quite interesting for the enemy team as long as the missions don't revolve entirely around fast-paced combat. Particularly with the choice of EOWR to give you more wiggle room, who SU normally cannot disguise as. Problem is, the maps we have currently are not suited for long-term infiltration attempts due to the size of the base areas, and not many players will care about respecting NLR (even if it's on the MOTD), so the instant they get caught they're screwed. I would also say that it is far more enjoyable for people to infiltrate when they're experienced with infiltration, as they have more knowledge of how to infiltrate and are less likely to get immediately caught.

You may reapply in two weeks.

Locked + Moved.

Gamemaster Supervisor.

Ancient GRID CmD, prior SU Major/GB COL.

Credit to SEVIN.
[Image: 20220724145724_1.png]
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