Eagle is committing war crimes with his mortar

A Depressed Seal  Member 15 Aug 20 at 12:19am
FULL RP Name(s): Seal

Discord Username: A Very Salty Seal#5341

Steam IDSTEAM_0:0:66501560

Staff/Player's Name: Eagle

Staff/Player's Steam IDSTEAM_0:0:91964548

Requested Action against Staff/Player: a warn for RDM

Reason for complaint? this man is deliberately targeting civs with mortars and that's not okay

Evidence/Other: https://youtu.be/QPi6VzcqGgs
SSteffan  VIP 15 Aug 20 at 12:43am
your on a rebel controlled point dumbass
Raven  Community Advisor VIP 15 Aug 20 at 12:48am
He's shooting his mortar at the place where it reaches the indoor part of the stairwell, if it's rebel controlled you shouldn't be there.

Community Advisor
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Cat Cube  Member 15 Aug 20 at 12:49am
+1 F is being capped means there shouldnt be any rebels on it or fully capped in the first 2 ones.
However in the third death rebels were capping it. whats the point of putting an orbital strike on a point you own or is being capped for combeans
Donte Deliano  Member 15 Aug 20 at 12:49am
you were running into an area that was controlled by, or containing rebels. it was not intentional, nor did it happen enough times to any other civs (or you) to be called targeted
Endr0  VIP 15 Aug 20 at 1:19am Edited
First Clip: Rebel Controlled, shouldn't have been there to begin with if you didn't want to be killed.
Second Clip: While it was technically rebel controlled at the time of your death, there was a UNION right in front of you whom made no attempts to kill you so this was RDM.
Third Clip: Combine controlled, don't know why he did this but it's RDM and Mortar abuse nonetheless.
Fourth Clip: Rebel controlled, same reason as the first one. Don't know why you were on an active warzone, BUT he was in clear view of you so he could have seen you were a civ right off the bat.

Edit: I talked with Eagle and he admits a couple of things: In the fourth clip he was trying to aim as close to the middle as possible to try and hit the LVET that was behind you.
Third clip: He says he got killed on F and didn't notice it was fully capped by combine when he got to the roof, and admits it was an error on his part.
And overall he was very tired and very blind. HOWEVER, you ran intentionally deeper into the point instead of hopping off the roof to avoid death. I would rather have a broken leg than be blasted until I was nothing but shreds of my former self.
First Clip: You forgot about the possibility of a MACE whom spotted you reloading and called you out.
Second Clip: You literally just stood there and watched the mortar strike you when you could have easily ran off like the UNION did to avoid it, because that's what humans do. AVOID DANGER.

BUT at the same time, in some of them you are clearly seen going towards the blast zone instead of the opposite direction like any normal person would do. So it shows to me you were PURPOSEFULLY trying to get yourself killed and make it look like it was "intentional". AND you have a reputation of crying wolf over anything "bad" happening to you, what I think you need is some therapy or a break from gmod entirely.

New vote: Neutral leaning to -1

"Choose thy fate alone. Seize it with thine on hands. All the more, should thy fate entail such foul betrayal" -Ludleth of Courland (Dark Souls 3)

Formerly OTA RANGER CmD Zodiac

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ZivgZag  Member 15 Aug 20 at 1:47am
hoes mad
Eagle is chill when it comes to anarcs you just mad, its a VIP class so stop complaining
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Vexeer  VIP 15 Aug 20 at 2:04am Edited
The reason I can't offer a coherent reply rn is because of two reasons:

1. As I'm typing this on the phone, it's 9 AM and I'm tired af
2. I would rather form a reply regarding the exact turn of events on the PC, but I've recently handed my prescription glasses to my mother so she could go to a repairman to fix the popped off temple frame.

And one last thing, even if Seal requested me to clip my stuff, my PC is physically unable to do so as I don't have shadowplay or any game DVR that can record my gameplay every 5 mins or smth.

I will however, in the meantime, leave this up to the other HAs or the STL himself if he really wants to.
Poison  VIP 15 Aug 20 at 2:07am
-1 wah wahhhhhh i was killed wah wah

"You can't change whats done, you can only move on."
~Arthur Morgan, The Legend of the East.

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