Sword gun suggestion

[GL] Music guy  Member 25 Jul 21 at 3:55pm
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What is your suggestion?

Changing swords shotgun or buffing it 

How would this benefit the server?

 It would benefit sword because from testing i was using a RPK as a HVY and i managed to kill two swords that were shooting me at a distance of around 15 feet and i only lost around 200 hp and killed both of them they were shooting me with the VR80 (on full auto) and the damage was low much lower then the RU shotgun or the TOZ or the Saiga yes you can fire it fast but that does not matter if you don't have a good trigger finger and as full auto shotguns go this has to be the worst one I have seen with the low amount of ammo in each mag( 6 rounds per mag) you have to make sure you are around 5feet for any kills now there is the odd semi long shots but that's only because the target was around 30 hp the Saiga can destroy the VR80 so as a shotgun class if i see a saiga i run away knowing that i will die no matter what because of my shotgun so that is why i want it changed or just buffed by more ammo or more damage.

damage 34x8
stability 33%
fire rate  352 RPM
range 40M
accuracy 5.67

Thanks for reading 

I am a skill issue

Space Marine                  British                      not dead
#1 Great Wooden Dad  Member 25 Jul 21 at 4:07pm
spas 12 and saiga 12 do less than vr80 so that's false
it's an auto shotty so IDK what you mean about the trigger finger unless you mean the semi-auto mode it has that makes it fire faster
it seems like a small difference between the saiga 12 and vr80 when its a 26 dmg and 3 shell difference
vr80 seems it would be worse to fight groups compared to saiga but better for smaller, less bunched targets
all together i just see it unneeded -1
TheJC  VIP 25 Jul 21 at 4:16pm
+1 give them more ammo lol
your family pet  Member 25 Jul 21 at 4:38pm
Uhhh I was in sword and. No it was replaced recently aswell and the only change it could need is extended mags I guess (even that might be a bit too good)
Anti yes  Member 25 Jul 21 at 8:38pm
+1 they just need an ammo buff or add in extended mags since their ammo size is a joke (if they don't have it already)
Terry  Member 25 Jul 21 at 9:53pm
A bit more ammo but like DMG wise HELL to the no RU has a shield HP of 425 pretty sure and SWORD can destroy that and you and it fully automatic so of course it not going to have better range( ammo +1 the rest -1)
[GL] Music guy  Member 25 Jul 21 at 10:55pm
The full auto is not that good at all and from experience a RU can dominate a sword CQC

Space Marine                  British                      not dead
Terry  Member 25 Jul 21 at 11:19pm
Not really goes both way Sword shotgun destroy RU shield
Rataca  26 Jul 21 at 4:25am
That was you?

I have had personal expereince, it takes 2 shots for the shield, 2 for the person and 2 for another person, i ambushed a group of about 5, so obviouly i could only kill 2, plus reloadings out most of the time anyway. This would be point blank so most if not all shot would have hit.

This is not counting i have been one shotted by another rebel class with a shotgun, and i dont know which one it is, but one isnt really dueling you, rather is objectively better, i think it was the sheilds running around without them out. (wasnt HECU)

We need to fiddle with the class/shotgun a bit to make it work better anyway, this would be fiddiling.

Addendum: Terry, it takes 4 shots to kill a sheild user, thats most of your magazine done, you have one kill left in the magazine if you are in range.
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