Thoughts of a returning player

Niko_  VIP 26 Aug 23 at 12:53pm
I've been playing CVR again recently for a couple of hours every other day or so for the last week and i've had a lost of issues with playing the game and trying to enjoy it as someone who essentially has nothing unlocked and doesn't want to commit to joining a sub-division or faction. Rather than sit and complain on voice in game or OOC i thought i'd make a forum post, mainly for sentinel and discussion since people check here a lot.

A lot of this is my personal view as a player who:
- Doesn't join divsions.
- Isn't part of Staff/GM.
- Has been playing for a long time.
- Previously Head GM.
- Has VIP.
- Mostly played at low population.

I've highlighted the key points for each issue I have in blue, so you can just skim through if you'd like.

My Issues

Collision with players/enemies

The lack of player collision is strange. It causes a lot of issues in cramped gunfights and close quarters combat. While I know that this was done to combat players being stuck inside eachother on spawn, it's made combat quite annoying in some cases. Prevalently in cramped gunfights teammates will stand inside of you and block shots, without them being visibly infront of you and enemies can quickly round corners and jump or run through you, which makes tracking and fighting fast CQC enemies overly difficult. I'd like for only enemies to have collision, like TF2 or Overwatch and for teammates to not asorb gunfire (though this might be a stretch with gmod.)

Player visibility

Player models are generally very dark for both sides and make it difficult to see and distinguish players. Is it a teammate or enemy? Is it a random enlisted or a member of leadership? Is it a player or just a random prop? It sucks. I also find scope glares difficult to see. That or snipers just don't have them.

Player progression

I've probably clocked in about 10 hours since i've returned playing and my current unlocks are as follows (I played for some time when the new weapon pack was added, for exactly i'm unsure.):

Level 56
10210 Credits

0 Perks
0 Inventory weapons or armor (I can only afford to craft the most basic of items.)
Oden Factory 810mm
Bipod Grip
Tactical Grip
5mW laser
10 TP Round Mags
Tactical Supressor
Corp Combat Holo Sight
Cronen C480 Pro Optic
Variable Zoom Scope

Since the shift in player progression at the start of the current weapon pack was made longer, it's been a crawl for someone like me who only plays a couple hours a day a huge pain. I haven't unlocked basically anything of worth except some attatchments for a single gun that only one class can use, with the exception of the Scopes, grips and suppressor. Credit gain is incredibly slow, taking multiple days worth of play sessions to get enough for a single high end attatchment.

My least favourite is the crafting material gain. Its random and slow, you may or may not get what you need to craft things, from what i've heard about carbon-fibre, everyone needs the same rare resources with an incredibly high demand but no supply. The only way to obtain them through capturing points (which there are now less of per map.) and looting props. Lootable props, i've noticed, tend to be more clustered together on the new maps which makes it somewhat better, but sometimes are also situated far away from where any reasonable, standard gameplay would be happening, such as in a room, down a tunnel, behind a door, through a side path in an underground tunnel which you need to use an elevator from another tunnel above ground which is on the edge of the map. Its unrewarding to go so out of your way for loot for it to be 40 credits and 6 steel.

The new (old) maps

I enjoy good map variety, even if the maps are not great. Playing the same maps over and over leads to repeated strategies, same-same encounters and boring gameplay. I haven't played all the maps but have for some, and i'm going to give some opinions about them.


A map with a surface and underground. The surface is incredibly open and the access to the hills and cliffs dotted about the map gives snipers an overwhelming advantage. Due to hard damage falloff for most guns and snipers outranging most (I believe, we can't see stats, damn you.) means there's no physical way to actually approach a sniper from most angles. The underground as well is confusing to navigate and the long open tunnels makes holding them down very easy with a long range or high capacity weapon. The lack of lights and how terrible source engine flashlights are make it near impossible to see enemies in these halls unless they have their flashlight on.


The map I started playing cvr on back in 2019. It's kinda as terrible as I remember it being. The map is split into two halfs, the industrial side directly between both bases and a more forest-y side out of the way. While I like this idea, it tends to cause everyone to only focus the industrial area as it is closer and has two points (out of the three on the map.). Sightlines come up again as an issue as they're very large. The warehouse tunnel that connects the combine base area to the main industrial area is easily camped on the outside and the alternative options for combine is a tunnel that can be camped with a long sniper sightline, or the sewers which take a long time to navigate and lead to a terrible combat position in a canal if you're caught.


My least favourite map i've played by far. It's basically a big flat square with some hills and buildings. Snipers are a massive pain on this map, and approaching points is incredibly difficult due to lack of good angles of approach, except from some hills. There's not much else to say about this map, it's mostly the massive open sightlines that make this very unfun for me to play.

Feedback on kills and hits

There's no more hitmarkers, hit and kill sounds are often delayed or don't even play at all. Sometimes I dont' know if I am or am not hitting an enemy, or tell when I have killed them. Half the time i'm just pointing in the general direction of the enemy and hoping for the best (Vortigaunt Gameplay),

Buggy map and respawning system

Another longstanding bug that i'm sure would have been fixed if possible. Trying to spawn too soon after your respawn timer expires causes you to spawn at base. Player icons on the map also take a long time to update from being spawnable -> not being spawnable and trying to spawn on a player close to a point is difficult. 

Feedback on hitting props

You shouldn't get hitsounds when you hit props. It makes it confusing when fighting enemies who are using player built fortifications as cover. While feedback for props is important, I think not being able to tell if you're hitting people sucks more.

Prop Fade Distance

Prop fade distance is far too low. While I know it can cause a lot of lag for players, especially low spec users, player fortifications fade out FAR too soon, revealing enemies behind walls, making it confusing to see who is in cover and where buildings that players have made actually are.

Weird weather effects

Weather effects are a bit goofy, if not short lasting. I'm not a fan of how dull I think the portal storm effect makes the screen look. It makes it harder to see enemies. It's a bit of a nitpick. I suppose that's the point of fog, but I don't like the ones that change the colour of your screen.

Lack of player choice in gameplay styles for me

By far my biggest gripe with cvr currently. I have 4 classes I can play. UNION and Resistance Fighter (functionally the same with a different gun.), OSE and Vortigaunt. Due to my unwillingness to join a division i'm locked into these 4 (basically 3) classes. With these only UNION and RF can equip inventory weapons and armor. While this is probably intended to push players into joining a division, for someone like me who has experienced pretty much all of them and just wishes to not join one i'm kinda out of luck. While i'm avoiding what is essentially half of the server, I'd still like for there to be more variety for players who wish to stay on their own and not commit to a division.

As mentioned in my comments about player progression, not having perks just counts me out of trying even more things, especially when their cost makes them incredibly commital.  The best I can do is have a OSE gun built for medium range and one built for long range. I can't even use more than a scope and barrel on the M4A1 as i have only 26 kills on it. While its fun for me to get on a chat on voice with some people ingame and shoot at the funny models, i wish i had a shotgun, sniper or some other methods that don't require me to join a discord, class, go through activity checks and whatever else just to use them.

While me not joining any divison is an outlier for the playerbase I still wish I had more variety at my disposal.

Vortigaunt and OSE suck

The two VIP classes that I both love, the funny crab and the funny alien. They each have their own issues.
They cannot equip ANY inventory items. This sucks, it makes sense for vortigaunt to not be able to use guns but OSE is just a glorified UNION and should be able to have some extra choice at least, armor too, they're incredibly squishy.

 I have played the most vortigaunt out of most players since their TFA beam was added and consider myself a bit of an expert in vortigaunt. And by far vortigaunt has never sucked more than the current SWEP. I'm going to quick fire all the issues I have with the SWEP:
-A general Janky feel
-The shield recharge sound is too loud and annoying
-The shield recharge is good, but incredibly slow and you can't cancel it if you need to attack.
-The visual effects of the beam and hit are too big and make it impossible to see
-The delay in firing makes it hard to actually hit things
-It can't go through props which allow hitscan through, like fences.
-It doesn't even do that much damage for the effort you put in to get hits
-You have 0 melee option meaning that a RF with a crowbar is a valid counter as hitting people in close range is dreadful.

Vortigaunt sucks amazingly now, and it's a shame since it was by far my favourite class to play after leaving GM and divisons.

OSE has it better, they get an ACTUAL gun, a fairly fun one too. It doesn't really have issues except being a glorified UNION with less flexibility and restricted to a single (not even very good) gun.

Overt rebel superiority (rebel win lol)

Rebels are winning all the fucking time holy shit.
I don't know if its a balance, activity, methodology or divine intervention but rebels are ALWAYS winning when i play. 
This sucks. It doesn't feel like there's a dynamic between two teams. Its boring to get stomped, and its boring to be a member of the team that is already winning without you. I don't care what kind of issue this is at its root, but its an issue for my enjoyment of the game when one side is always winning.

Weird map collision, reloading and ADS.

Reloding and ADS can't happen while sprinting. Jank map gemotery, especially props will cancel your reloads and knock you out of ADS and cancel reloads. I've experience this a lot on white forest. It sucks.

Squad/Team Radio

I still believe that there should be a mute option for the radio. Coordinating with people around you, or your squad is difficult when people are talking over team wide comms. If you don't want to listen to someone on the radio you will just mute them through the scoreboard too. I'd rather a way to just mute that line of communication than the entire person.


I like CvR, obviously, else I wouldn't be playing it still even after leaving HGM. Seeing people complain in OOC or team irks me and even I do it too. I wrote up some points that came into my head while playing today and expanded on them here. I'd like to see what other people have to think about these, if they agree/disagree on my issues or if i'm just a whiny crybaby who doesn't join a division. This is all mainly for Sentinel to see too.
[DEFN] Sentinel  President 26 Aug 23 at 12:59pm Edited
(Insert applause gif)

How much of your experience with snipers is from before the last 2 days?

The experience you're writing about*
Niko_  VIP 26 Aug 23 at 1:07pm
The whiteforest example is from about an hour and half of gameplay today. The forest apocalypse example is from about 2 hours of gameplay 3 days ago.
[DEFN] Sentinel  President 26 Aug 23 at 1:08pm Edited

Prop render distance dealt with, fixes for the map spawning system already on the to-do list, and I will be looking into material and credit drops.

As for the rebels winning part, I suspect you'll notice changes to faction activity in the coming weeks with new reforms being worked on

I will look into some improvements to vort as you have listed, and player collision changes are something I'm already considering
Niko_, T hanos, Kowalski like this post
DeerDust  Certified Gamemaster VIP 26 Aug 23 at 1:19pm
“Rebels are winning all the fucking time holy shit. I don't know if its a balance, activity, methodology or divine intervention but rebels are ALWAYS winning when i play.”

The divine Intervention is GM rebel bias sorry….

anyways a lot of prominent issues highlighted here, with the new maps it should have been a given progression will slow
white morpheus  Affairs Supervisor Senior Server Administrator VIP 26 Aug 23 at 1:20pm
it being a given doesn’t make it any less of a struggle for newer players, this isn’t the first time it’s been brought up
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DeerDust  Certified Gamemaster VIP 26 Aug 23 at 1:21pm
(26 Aug 23 at 1:20pm)white morpheus Wrote: it being a given doesn’t make it any less of a struggle for newer players, this isn’t the first time it’s been brought up

TheJC  VIP 26 Aug 23 at 1:23pm Edited
Imma put in my 2 cents since we're literally on the same boat.

I've had the same issues with progression, I've even been looting and started AFK'ing and the only time I made significant progress is when people gifted me credits (I still haven't crafted any armor)

Player collision should be on a toggle, with the removal of several mobility perks being able to boost players into positions should be a thing again, I've already been asked to do it once and have wanted someone to boost me twice.

Squad/Team radio doesn't matter I just mute Gunny cuz he's ALWAYS ON TEAM RADIO

The reloading I don't mind, I understand it's part of the game as annoying as it is, should probably just stay still completely to reload

I have issues with the maps having floating props all over the place, you wanna rush to a piece of cover and then suddenly someone shot your legs off.

vort and ose will always suck that's just life ig

scope glare is quite small compared to the previous version but I can still see it alright, probably not in time to fight back (if my rifle is even capable of dealing damage at the range it is)

And please for the love of god do please please give options for people who don't want to join a division, I understand you want people who'll join the community but joining a division transforms the game completely, at least for me

I will add though the overall changes to the gamemode are great, having the map rotate several times a day keeps shit fresh, I would even say add more maps and make the matches shorter but maybe that's too far
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Minishogun721  Server Administrator VIP 26 Aug 23 at 1:33pm
wholeheartedly agree with progression, ive been playing a good amount this update and it has been a CRAWL

I can barely even use any of these shiny guns because I can't get the damned resources for them, and I have no idea what I'm gonna do when they break because some of them are getting close
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ozz12231  VIP 26 Aug 23 at 1:48pm Edited
I agree and disagree with alot of stuff
Im gonna start with snipers as u guys were talking about it (or what most interesting to me)
From what i saw with the last change that happened to them they are way more balanced (may not show up on white forest because its kinda of small map)
I think another nerf would kill the sniper classes (hey if it makes the server better so be it)

For VIP classes
I agree they are very boring and not good , vort as u said is very annoying and not worth using it even as a meme, OSE is just union with a slow gun in a meta of fast gun fights

I hate the fact they cant be muted
And if u cant mute them they should atleast be restricted to a group of people (trusted nco+ or CO+ Maybe?)
The ability to mute it in my opinion should not be an option if it's restricted as i said

Rebel win lol
I think thats just because combine never work together really or just sit in base all the time
Couple of examples of my points
(People in base): it always happens and its not rare, couple of days ago we outnumbered rebels (around 12vs8 or more) and it was only me and 2 other guys deployed alone while all rebels were deployed (other combines were fking about in base) and after an hour or so people started deploying slowly

(Combines dont work together): thats the main thing people i know complain about couple of days ago rebels had the whole map on forest apo and combines had more numbers then rebels just rushing randomly mostly , me and jimmy bones and sandstorm and another cross made a squad and alone took over C with its fob and held it for an hour+ Only because of a small amount of communication

I totally agree with all the points u made

Craftable guns
I agree and disagree
Some Craftable shotguns and LMGs are great if they can be added (SMGs and ARs already exist) but I disagree with snipers
You already have options of craftable DMRs (M14, SKS, MK2 not craftable but u can buy it from some people) which arguably were better than some actual snipers at one point, adding more of those or actual snipers will just make it aids for sniper classes and for people who dont have them oe can afford them (the MK2 before the last couple of changes to snipers as whole and the mk2 CW)

Remove piss rain for love of god because most of the maps dont have maybe builds to get in (forest apc , betaworks, white forest kinda) and even if they exist they just stop u from playing the game until its done or just run out and slowly dies without doing anything

Its really annoying on some maps and over all hard to make out people for who they are
Models are kinda dark and some maps lighting is dark over all (i like that but not in all places there should be very dark places and other that are lighted well)

Collision with players
There is issues for both
(If its on)People get stuck in each other and people can block people
(If its off) it increases TK alot and makes problems from some classes (MP/Jury killing their captive because they had to shoot the other rebels around), makes creative gameplay dead kinda (u cant boost people , u cant stack peope , etc)
I kinda like more collision for me because its more realistic

Buggy maps
They are buggy at times but eh i dont think its worth going back and spend alot of time fixing the collisions

(If i sound like a moron im sey im very tired and i just finished working on something that is very annoying + im on phone so cope, but i think i explained what i want to explain)
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