desert eagle

Berd  Head Administrator Affairs Counselor VIP 25 Jul 21 at 4:29pm Edited
FULL RP Name(s):
A: EOWA 09 Dinkleberd, NPU JURY 06 7853, EOW REAPER 08 1120, SU R-B SGT Berd, HECU TR CPL Berd

Discord Username:
A: Berd#5729

Steam ID:
A: idk

Workshop Link: (If applicable)
A: N/A

What is your suggestion?
A: Add a level 90 deagle to the weapon pack
More damage than the average pistol, but make it have less ammo, have it be good at some medium range, with slightly slower mobility than most pistols

How would this benefit the server?
A: Deagles are cool

[Image: Bread_JE3_BE3.png]
Berd  Head Administrator Affairs Counselor VIP 25 Jul 21 at 4:31pm
(25 Jul 21 at 4:31pm)TheJC Wrote: lvl 200

your family pet  Member 25 Jul 21 at 4:41pm
Make it 22. LR conversion kit for a XIX desert eagle and it would be needed for gameplay!
Alma Armas  VIP 25 Jul 21 at 6:14pm
(25 Jul 21 at 4:31pm)TheJC Wrote: lvl 200


Jokes aside +1
oogasboogas  VIP 25 Jul 21 at 6:22pm
+1 make it have 7x and then basic pistol sights too
Ritz  Member 25 Jul 21 at 6:36pm
level 110 trol

Terry  Member 25 Jul 21 at 9:55pm
Berd you don't need a deagle already one-shot everyone smh but I want one +1
brownfish  Infrastructure Moderator VIP 25 Jul 21 at 10:22pm
+1 i think a nice 7 rounder with around 60 - 70 damage (if not more) would be nice

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